Corporate Governance
Members of the Board of Directors bring the Group a wide range of skills, including extensive experience in industry and international markets. They hold executive and operational positions in areas as varied as strategy, human resources, compliance, finance and communications.
Composition and operation of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors comprises 14 directors, 12 of whom are appointed at the Annual General Meeting. Two employee representatives are appointed by the French and European Works Councils.
The Board of Directors is governed by internal regulations, introduced in 2003. These regulations set out the applicable operating procedures, particularly in terms of its composition, powers and associated committees, in compliance with legal provisions and the recommendations of the AFEP-MEDEF Code. The ethical rules applicable to directors are set out in a code of ethics appended to the Board of Directors’ internal regulations.
I am delighted to see the excellent collaborative work carried out by the governance bodies of Nexans and by the Board of Directors. In 2022, the Board of Directors gave a more formal structure to its work, for seamless dialog and constructive discussions. The Board of Directors welcomes the new approach to managing sustainable development. The aim is to stay ahead of the curve with regard to any future problems and to anticipate change for a faster, smoother and more agile response The Board of Directors also encourages management to re-examine the relevance of the Group’s strategy in a constantly changing world.

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Nexans
Committees set up by the Board of Directors
In July 2001, the Board of Directors set up an Audit and Risk Committee, renamed the Accounts, Audit and Risk Committee in January 2019, and an Appointments and Compensation Committee, whose role was extended in 2012 to include corporate governance issues. In May 2020, this committee was split into two separate committees: the Appointments and Corporate Governance Committee and the Compensation Committee. In 2013, the Board also set up a Strategy Committee, whose role was extended to include sustainable development in 2015. Aspects relating to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) are included in the four committees missions.