Electricity 4.0 – Towards a world of energy producers?
Energy and consumption resilience
16 July 2024
12 min
Electricity 4.0

In the not-too-distant future, you won’t just be driving a vehicle running on electricity when you get behind the wheel, you will be contributing to national energy production!

Or at least that’s the promise of the carmakers, who are already marketing vehicles with bidirectional charging. When you plug in your car for charging, it also becomes a power source for the grid or your home, potentially halving your electricity bill. This technology is already deployed by Tesla in the USA and could be implemented more widely soon, since Renault is working on around fifteen projects of this type in partnership with grid operator Enedis.

​​​​​This is just one of the ways in which energy production is becoming more varied and decentralized, with the transformation of power grids. We could say that this is the end of the traditional model of energy production, based on just one or two producers supplying energy from two or three main sources.

So why do we need to reinvent power grids?

If you hear the term Electricity 4.0, it’s not just another marketing ploy, but a way to underline a break with the past. It relates to the need for more abundant, more efficient and – above all – sustainable energy sources to support ​​​​the fourth industrial revolution, a transformation driven by electric mobility, data centers (cloud computing, data and artificial intelligence) and, first and foremost, the electrification of everything and the digitalization of virtually all areas of activity.

Electricity has all the qualities necessary to address these new challenges. For a clearer understanding, remember that it took 150 years for electricity to meet just one-quarter of our energy requirements, and that we need to reach 60% in just 25 years if we are to meet carbon neutrality targets.

This will involve a 40% increase in electricity demand by 2040, and a six-fold increase in the share of wind and solar power in the energy mix.

This change of scale will require a significant increase in the annual pace of investment in the grid (cables, pylons, transformers, etc.), with figures doubling or tripling compared with the past fifteen years. France, for example, has one of the oldest grids in Europe, with power lines that are 50 years old on average.

Further, renewable electricity is set to dominate the EU electricity sector by 2030. The change is gathering pace, with renewable energies expected to generate 66% of EU electricity by 2030, up from 44% in 2023.

This progress can be achieved only by implementing technological solutions able to fine-tune the balance between production and consumption, and to improve efficiency, security and sustainability.

Share of EU

A profusion of producers

The electricity revolution is all about the multiplication and decentralization of energy production methods.

We have an increasingly complex energy mix, with some countries using energies that are on the way out, like coal and gas, others opting for nuclear power, and – more generally – a growing proportion of hydro, solar and wind power.

At the same time, everybody is free to set up their own installation. This option is now very much a part of everyday life: an increasing number of individuals, SMEs, shopping malls and business corporations are investing in energy production. It is no longer an option reserved solely for major investors: a modest manufacturing firm in southern France can easily meet a third of its electricity needs by installing solar panels.

Between 2022 and 2023 in France, the number of new installations tripled for private customers and doubled for business users. And this is just the beginning, according to Laetitia Brottier, vice-president of Enerplan, the union of solar energy professionals.

Although the complexity of integrating new producers can lead to bottlenecks in grid access, this movement nevertheless plays an essential role in efforts to decarbonize our economies, and it is made possible by the transition towards smart grids.

These new-generation grids enable more agile energy management and make it easier to integrate new decentralized energy production sources, such as wind and solar power. According to a European Union study, optimizing the use of renewable energies through smart grids could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by between 10 and 15%.

Driven by demand

As a result, a completely new approach is taking shape, since energy production can be initiated and adjusted to reflect demand in the field, and in real time.

A multitude of sensors deployed across the chain, from the end user to the power distribution network, will enable live monitoring of power flows and consumption. This will allow for better management of the load, i.e. the maximum power supported by the system, so that switching on different household appliances at the same time will no longer cause a power cut.

In the same way as electrification, energy efficiency has a key role to play in the energy transition, allowing us to turn the heating on before we get home, control the shutters according to light and weather conditions, and so on. Connected objects will turn our homes into ‘energy ecosystems’, adapting appliances to weather conditions, to our activities, and to the price fluctuations announced by electricity suppliers based on their supply costs. This will make it possible to limit soaring household energy bills, while maintaining comfort.


This transformation will be seen not only in households and residential infrastructures but also on plants and industrial sites. It is already increasingly common for production workers and technicians to operate automated, remotely controlled systems (motors, furnaces, assembly lines, etc.), providing the grid with information on current and future energy consumption. Here again, this allows them to take advantage of the lowest possible market prices.

For this reason, manufacturers are innovating continuously to develop systems able to monitor all the components in the electrotechnical chain, such as electrical transformers, cables and connection accessories such as junctions. The purpose of digitalizing power networks is to monitor the activity and load of all these components, to prevent malfunctions and optimize use. Allowing for the measurement of partial discharges also helps to extend the service life of installations. In consequence, the monitoring of electrical infrastructures pursues two main aims: to measure and optimize power consumption, and to increase network reliability and service life.

Jérôme Fournier

To address the challenges of electrification 4.0, we must innovate continuously. We need to expand and modernize electrical infrastructures to cope with the constantly increasing load, to improve grid reliability, with a view to avoiding blackouts in the short term and extending service life in the longer term, and to reduce the consumption of electrical equipment through precise real-time metering.

Jérôme Fournier

Corporate Vice-President, Innovation, Services and Growth, Nexans

Smart meters to empower consumers

Smart meters, such as Linky in France, promote more informed energy use, since consumers are able to track their consumption, and make changes accordingly. In this way, they become more proactive as consumers, playing an active role in the energy transition.

In its latest study on this subject, Berg Insight set the number of smart meters in Europe at almost 190 million at the end of 2023, an increase of around 4% on 2022. Smart meter penetration in Europe is set to rise from around 60% in 2023 to almost 80% in 2028.

These meters also provide a wealth of valuable data on household energy consumption and trends. They help to identify energy-hungry appliances so that they can be used more effectively and/or repaired to limit energy losses.

Will we finally be able to store electricity and avoid wastage?

It is important to remember that production will inevitably exceed demand from time to time. Electricity consumption remains structurally higher in the daytime, on weekdays and in winter. However, solar production is higher in summer, while high pressure systems bring cold snaps and a lack of wind for wind turbines.

This being so, a large-scale transition to sustainable energies is intrinsically linked to storage technologies. These technologies need to demonstrate their efficiency in coping with variations in the production of renewables, when the sun disappears, or the wind is not strong enough. We are referring here not only to batteries, such as those used in electric vehicles, but also to pumped storage power plants. Note that the three main types of renewable energy – water, solar and wind – are highly complementary.

Sébastien Arbola, Executive Vice-President in charge of Flexible Generation & Retail activities at Engie, said: “For every megawatt of renewable energy installed, we will need between 10 and 15% of equivalent capacity in the form of storage.”

This fast-growing market requires new solutions, such as those developed by Nexans, which is contributing to the design of transmission and distribution networks able to collect renewables at source, and to the integration of storage sites on a larger scale, more widely distributed across a given area.

Driving the pace of electricity storage

In Europe, Spain and Germany have the largest number of energy storage systems in terms of capacity, at 20 and 16 Gigawatts respectively. These countries already rely on solar and wind power for over 50% of their energy requirements. In comparison, EDF in France is aiming for 10 Gigawatts by 2035.

As you can see, electricity 4.0 is far more than just a technological adjustment. With the planet on high alert, managing electricity is fundamental in the transition to cleaner energies. Renewable power plants are one way to reduce our carbon footprint, along with more efficient distribution networks, new energy storage solutions, and interconnections with networks in neighboring countries.

This will also help us to take back control of our energy supply sources. With geopolitical tensions on the rise, this is vital for limiting energy dependency, managing price fluctuations and ensuring grid security.

Nexans AmpaCity

AmpaCity invents the future of electricity

A leader in sustainable electrification, Nexans opened an R&D site called AmpaCity in 2022. Based in Lyon (France), this global innovation center dedicated to low-carbon electrification covers an area of over 6,000 m², including 4,500 m² of laboratories. Some 100 engineers, researchers and technicians of eight different nationalities work together here to develop innovations for the electricity of the future. In this center, the Group is developing a portfolio of almost 1,800 patents, with between 50 and 80 new inventions filed every year, in areas including electrical insulation, materials with reduced environmental impact, fire-retardant cable systems and grid monitoring solutions.

Jérôme Fournier


Jérôme Fournier was appointed Corporate Vice-President Innovation, Services & Growth on January 1, 2019.

He joined Alcatel Cables in 1997, working in the metallurgy division. Between 2007 and 2011, he was in charge of R&D at Nexans. From 2011 to 2018, he worked for the Michelin Group where he held a number of positions as Head of R&D. As Vice-President for innovation, he is responsible for the Group’s R&D, Design Labs, innovation partnerships and acceleration units.

Energy storage technologies: Enabling grids to transition to decarbonized electricity
Energy & consumption resilience
16 January 2024

As a key driver to move away from fossil fuels, which are a massive source of CO2 emissions, renewables are an essential part of the future of energy. In this context of race against time to combat climate change, a growing emphasis is put on decarbonization of electricity.

The transition to renewable energy on a large scale is reliant on energy storage technologies. Energy storage is an essential part of the transition to clean energy and the foundation upon which the decarbonization of today’s grids must be built. Due to the intermittent nature of renewable energy — mainly wind and solar — grid operators must rely on energy storage systems to balance supply and demand. This interdependence means that storage is integral to grid resilience and reliability.


It is projected that by 2030, global energy storage installations will reach a cumulative 411 gigawatts (GW), according to the latest forecast from research company BloombergNEF — an increase of 15 times the storage online in 2021.

Other significant factors driving energy storage growth are government policies aimed at curbing increasing energy prices, meeting peak demand, and energy independence. In 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) bill was signed into law, representing the U.S.’s largest investment to fight climate change.

Energy storage challenges: the need for widespread grid-scale technologies

A major challenge facing the industry today is the need for widespread grid-scale storage technologies. Today, the most viable solution is pumped-storage hydropower, which generates electricity by pumping water into a reservoir and then releasing it to generate electricity at a different time. Unfortunately, this technology can only be applied in specific locations. As such, grid operators must resort to fossil fuel energy sources to meet peak demand periods.

However, in recent years, advancements in storage technologies are now providing new opportunities for the potential to meet energy fluctuations in energy demand without resorting to fossil fuels. Thus giving grid operators the ability to store excess renewable energy and, to some extent, help balance in real-time energy demand to meet peak periods.


Five renewable energy storage technologies ensuring a reliable power supply

Proper energy storage ensures a reliable power supply as the electricity grid becomes more dependent on variable renewable energy (VRE) sources. What often differentiates technologies are their storage capabilities, reactivity, scalability, and application requirements.

Battery storage: increasingly safe and cost-effective

Battery storage is increasingly vital in solar and wind applications as it can be easily installed and provides a cost-effective solution. In recent years, newer battery technologies, alternatives to traditional lithium-ion batteries, have made their deployment safer and more cost-effective. For example, zinc batteries provide a viable alternative due to their superior stationary storage capability, non-flammability, and stable supply.

Thermal energy storage: a viable alternative for commercial buildings

The emergence of newer thermal energy storage (TES) technologies is making it a viable alternative in commercial buildings. TES systems can store heat or cold to be used later and are divided into three types: sensible heat, latent heat, and thermochemical. When installed in a building, a TSE solution allows the building itself to act as a thermal battery — storing renewable energy in tanks or vessels to be used when needed.


Hydrogen energy storage: leveraging electrolysis for a stable and reliable carbon-free energy

Hydrogen energy storage is an ideal carbon-free fuel that can lessen reliance on fossil fuel backup power plants to match supply and demand. Its high-energy storage capacity makes it attractive for grids integrating larger shares of variable energy. Because energy sources like wind and solar are variable, hydrogen storage enables any excess renewable energy to be converted into hydrogen through electrolysis. This surplus hydrogen, stored in fuel cells, ensures stable and reliable carbon-free energy.

Superconducting magnetic energy storage: for an instant and efficient release of energy

Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) stores energy in a magnetic field. Because it can release stored energy instantaneously, it is considered ideal for grid applications requiring fast reaction time. Due to its negligible energy losses, there is increasing interest in finding a way to use it in large-scale energy storage applications. A few prototypes are currently in service, mostly under investigation, and they are beginning to be identified as a possible cost-effective solution.

Mechanical energy and pumped hydro-storage: ensuring grid reliability at scale

Mechanical energy storage encompasses a wide range of technologies, including pumped hydro-storage (PHS), flywheels, compressed air energy storage (CAES), and liquid air energy storage (LAES). Today, the technology most widely used in large-scale energy storage is PHS, considered the ideal form of clean energy storage for electricity grids reliant on wind and solar energy.

Absorbing surplus energy, PHS technology releases energy when demand spikes, thus ensuring grid reliability at scale. The International Hydropower Association (IHA) estimates that PHS projects worldwide store up to 9,000 gigawatt hours (GWh) of electricity, accounting for over 94 percent of installed global energy storage capacity.

What is the future of energy storage?

New materials and the development and supply of storage batteries for surplus renewable energy are quickly evolving to meet maturing requirements. Newer power electronics can convert stored energy into electricity to provide low to zero-impact solutions.

Nexans contributes in several ways to the energy transition, of which electricity storage is a key element, starting with the supply of transmission and distribution grids for the collection of renewable energy—wind and solar—at the source. It is crucial to collect electricity where it is generated (e.g. offshore wind farms) at an acceptable cost. The integration of storage sites is based on the same connection capacity, whether on a high-power scale or more widely distributed over a region.

Integrating variable renewable energies into smart grids will require an ever-increasing ability to monitor real-time usage requirements alongside automated systems in order to balance demand and supply loads. Faced with the need for greater flexibility, Nexans has developed new services accordingly.

For electric mobility applications, which are highly dependent on the technical and economic performance of electricity storage, Nexans supplies proper cable connections and protections, as for charging stations of electric vehicles, through specific safety functionalities to ensure safe energy storage.


Nexans has also acquired worldwide expertise and leadership in electrical and fire safety, that can be extended to the new applications of storage, such as vehicle batteries as they are becoming increasingly crucial.

The Group has been innovating for decades with industrial cryogenic and superconducting systems, such as with the development of a cryogenic transfer system of liquefied natural gas and hydrogen. As liquid hydrogen is very likely to play a key role in storage, Nexans will continue to innovate with breakthrough technologies to design tomorrow’s electricity grid.

Progress in energy storage technologies is vital to the transition to clean energy and the decarbonization of electricity. In the future, large-scale energy storage technologies will evolve and thus provide smart grids with the ability to reach their full potential. Diversifying and strengthening the supply chain of the new equipment for a massive deployment is a major challenge, especially for critical raw materials in a tense geopolitical context. Innovating by recycling materials used in end-of-life products is already a key driver, for which Nexans has prepared and positioned itself particularly well

Frederic Lesur


Frédéric Lesur is senior engineer in high voltage cable systems and power grids at Nexans with 25+ years’ experience, holding several R&D positions at cable manufacturers and utilities.

In 2021 he becomes responsible for the Grid Engineering Design Lab, helping customers optimize the cabling architectures of utility-scale renewable farms projects.

His passion for science popularization made him the host of the YouTube channel WHAT’s WATT by Nexans.

Frédéric has always been an active member in standardization and working groups. Author of 50 publications, he contributes to major conferences and workshops in the field of power grids.

Sustainable buildings for a brighter future
Energy and consumption resilience
12 October 2023
6 min
Sustainable buildings

Today, governments from around the globe with bold commitments to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are pressuring the construction and building sector to reduce its carbon emissions and consumption of raw materials.

And for good reason. Commercial and residential buildings are responsible for almost 40% of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and consume 30% of final energy globally. Decarbonizing the building and construction sector is critical to achieving net zero emissions by 2050. Doing so will need fundamental changes in how buildings are designed, built, and operated worldwide. This shift will require the sector to favor more environmentally friendly building materials and practices, institute better material efficiency strategies, and reduce raw material usage.

Innovative construction materials

The move to innovative low-carbon building materials is essential to reduce the building and construction sector’s environmental impact. Concrete is not only the most commonly used building material but is responsible for 8% of global GHG emissions.

A viable alternative to traditional concrete is low-carbon brick made from recycled materials or traditional clay bricks fired in a low-carbon process using biogas from waste, biomass methanation, or solar and wind power.

Construction materials company Saint-Gobain, for example, is leading the way in the production of sustainable, low-carbon products. Earlier this year, the global company announced the production of zero-carbon plasterboard at its modernized plant in Fredrikstad, Norway. Decarbonizing the manufacturing process was possible by switching from natural gas to hydroelectric power, thus avoiding 23,000 tons of CO2 emissions annually. In addition, the company is the first in the industry to produce zero-carbon flat glass, made possible by using 100% recycled glass (cullet) and 100% green energy produced from biogas and decarbonized electricity.

Eco-friendly materials such as hemp and flax are viable alternatives for reducing the sector’s environmental impact. Cavac Biomatériaux, specializing in the industrial application of plant fibers, manufactures insulation from hemp and flax.

Better material efficiency strategies

The 2022 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction foresees global consumption of raw materials to double by 2060. By implementing better material efficiency strategies, there is a massive potential for the building sector to reduce its GHG emissions, according to the report’s panel.

Furthermore, material efficiency strategies, including recycled materials, in G7 countries could reduce emissions in the material cycle of residential buildings by more than 80% in 2050. Globally, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation estimates that the circular economy would reduce CO2 emissions from building materials by 38% in 2050.

A key initiative within the European Union’s Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP) is the Digital Product Passport (DPP). This initiative aims to make sustainable products the norm in the EU by facilitating transparency throughout the value chain and boosting circular business models. Instituting a circular business model in the building and construction sector is key to reaching important sustainability targets.

Reducing raw materials usage

Construction materials and products are estimated to consume 50% of all raw materials extracted from the Earth’s crust, and demolition activities represent 50% of all waste generated. To reduce its cables’ environmental impact, Nexans increasingly uses low-impact materials throughout the production value chain.

It is projected that the availability of important raw materials will continue to decrease in the years to come. An example is copper, an essential component of electrical cables and wiring due to its high conductivity and strength. Because copper mining can no longer meet global demand, 40% of copper production comes from recycled copper.

For over 35 years, Nexans has been recycling copper and aluminum scrap as part of its Sustainable Development policy to reduce raw material usage and promote a circular business model. In 2008, Nexans and SUEZ launched RECYCÂBLES, France’s leading recycler of cables and non-ferrous metals. The joint venture processes 36,000 tonnes annually of cables, generating 18,000 tonnes of metal granules and 13,000 tonnes of plastic. The combination of leading-edge technologies enables the generation of 99.9% pure copper granules.

Today, Nexans uses up to 15% of recycled copper in new cable manufactured and is on target to use recycled aluminum by 2024. Employing recycled copper, aluminum, and plastics provides Nexans’ customers a sustainable product without compromising quality.

Environmentally friendly building materials

With the global floor area expected to double by 2060, implementing energy-efficient and environmentally friendly building materials and practices is vital.

Nexans is working to improve the impact of its products by sourcing components that meet reduced energy usage guidelines established by the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) directives. In addition, Nexans’ R&D product development aims to protect the environment and human health by managing the chemical substances used in its manufacturing processes and ensuring that all new projects take into account the end product’s environmental footprint. For example, starting in 2025, a large part of cables manufactured at the Nexans facility in Autun, France, will be halogen-free to reduce their toxic gas emissions in the event of a fire.

Energy-efficient, zero-carbon buildings will require looking at how building materials are designed, made, and used. This will mean examining the value chain and changing how we make, use, and reuse all materials—from the actual product to the packaging and transportation—to reduce the industry’s overall environmental impact.

Christophe Demule


Christophe Demule is the Building Innovation Director at Nexans, working within the Innovation Service and Growth Department. Previously, he held the position of Engineering VP for our Business Group Industry Solutions & Projects, bringing with him extensive experience in manufacturing. In 2021, he designed and launched the implementation of the Building Innovation Strategy with the creation of six Design Labs worldwide. With a focus on User experience by using the Design Thinking Methodology, Innovations are solving pain points of our customers and bringing added value to all stakeholders.

Unleashing the power of DC buildings
Energy and consumption resilience
25 July 2023
7 min
Direct current powered buildings

With the global demand for electricity expected to increase 20% by 2030 and the increasing pressure to transition to renewables, the War of the Currents is once again in the spotlight.

Back in the 1880’s, when Westinghouse and Edison were battling for their respective approach to electricity distribution, the infrastructure to transmit direct current (DC) power was at the time inefficient and expensive. And as such, Nikola Tesla’s approach using alternating current (AC) ultimately won. And since that time, our current electrical infrastructure is dominated by AC technology. But times have changed since then.

Today, over 70% of devices in a building need DC to operate. A conversion from AC to DC results in energy wastage of upwards to 20%, according to EMerge Alliance. Reducing the need to convert has profound implications regarding energy savings and environmental impact. And this is why eliminating or reducing AC to DC conversion in buildings is critical.

The International Energy Agency reports that in 2021 the operation of buildings accounted for 30% of global final energy consumption and 27% of total energy sector emissions. As a result, governments are placing increasing pressure on the building sector to move towards ambitious energy performance directives to reduce the carbon footprint of buildings. Directives such as “nearly zero-energy buildings” in the U.S. and in Europe aim for buildings to require a low amount of energy provided by renewables produced on-site or nearby.

Directives like these, along with the growing usage of self-consumption, onsite battery storage and DC-powered devices from LED lighting and heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems to electric vehicles (EV) and electronic devices, are driving the building industry to switch to DC power distribution.

The move towards to reliable DC cable systems for DC microgrid

In terms of electric power distribution, there is a progressive shift towards DC due to the growing interest in low voltage (LV) and medium voltage (MV) microgrids reflecting the fundamental changes in how electricity is generated, stored, and consumed. We are convinced that AC and DC networks will coexist with a significant share.

However, expert knowledge of the behavior of the insulation system is vital to ensuring the reliability of LV cables and accessories in buildings.

The behavior of LVAC cable systems is largely known but not for LVDC.

One of the focuses of Nexans’ R&D center AmpaCity is to optimize our cable design: we perform this optimization, which is achieved by understanding the electrical behavior of insulation systems under DC stress conditions and the impact of DC current on cable breakdown, ageing and corrosion. We’re also committed to investigate on more effective polymers for DC cable insulation with lower environmental impact than AC classical solution.

DC building transformation is a Fact

As mentioned earlier, power generation is moving closer to demand. Rooftop solar photovoltaics are becoming more commonplace. According to the EU Solar Energy Strategy, EU will make compulsory the installation of rooftop solar in new public and commercial and residential buildings. Furthermore, PV panels produce natively DC. In addition to the widespread implementation of on-site battery storage for uninterrupted power supplies (UPSs) used by businesses and data centers to maintain supply security, along with the growing deployment of battery energy storage systems (BESSs) for grid balancing.

Another major change in recent years is the growth of electric vehicles (EVs) and the need for DC charging stations in commercial, residential, and office buildings. With global policies encouraging and mandating the move to EVs, the market for chargers is growing rapidly, at an estimated compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 29% from 2023 to 2050.

Local DC-power distribution

Distributing DC power locally throughout a building provides important benefits in safety, costs, and device reliability.

From a safety point of view, AC power is inherently more dangerous. In fact, the risk of electrocution of the human body by DC is considered to be lower than with AC, as the total impedance of the human body decreases as the frequency increases. And for high growth categories such as EV chargers, the move to DC versus AC chargers means better overall safety.

The data center sector accounts for around 4% of global electricity consumption, and is set to continue growing. Improving energy efficiency in this sector is crucial. For example, cost savings in electricity-intensive buildings such as DC-powered data centers can represent savings of 4-6% compared to conventional AC installations.

In addition to the reduction in electrical losses linked to the transport of electricity in cables, there is also the reduction in AC-DC conversion losses.

Providing DC devices (loads) with DC power eliminates power losses incurred through conversion and thus eliminates an estimated 5 to 20% in energy waste. In addition, the AC to DC conversion process at the device level can shorten its operating life. For example, distributing DC power directly to a LED fixture (thus avoiding the AC to DC conversion) can substantially extend its operating life. Plus, distributing DC power locally reduces the cost and footprint of AC to DC adapters and converters.

Transition to DC-powered buildings

In conclusion, DC power distribution in buildings is on the horizon, but change will take time. Even with a move to DC microgrids, there are other significant challenges to be addressed in the coming years, notably the uptake by industry professionals, many of whom need to become more familiar with DC power and its benefits. This is due to the long experience and knowledge of AC power.

Furthermore, advancement in building standards and codes which address specifications for DC-powered devices is required, as with the further analysis of the cost-effectiveness of DC power distribution in retrofit and new construction.

Cables are a fundamental part of a building’s electrical infrastructure and are a critical player in the transition to DC-powered structures. The buildings of tomorrow will be smart, connected, sustainable, and powered by DC. Nexans is committed to this transformation by manufacturing specific cable systems compatible with these new infrastructures. And our strategic partnerships and involvement in key industry groups are helping to make the transition to DC-powered buildings a reality.

Lina Ruiz


Lina Ruiz is responsible for the LVDC, MVDC and new architectures technical platforms for Nexans within the Research and Territories Techno Centre.

She previously worked as a project manager and technical innovation team leader in the field of renewable energies. In 2023, she joined Nexans to accelerate the exploration program on direct current for low and medium voltage. In her current role, she is responsible for providing new and differentiated solutions in the field of direct current.

Electrical fire safety solutions: Protecting lives and assets
Energy and consumption resilience
01 February 2023
9 min
Fire safety

Safe and sustainable electrification is at the heart of our mission

Over 1.1 million fires break out in Europe every year. That’s one fire every 30 seconds. And the human toll is huge: 4,000 fatalities and 134,000 injuries per year. Not to mention the economic impact, with damages running into the billions: in its Global Claims Review 2022, Allianz insurance listed fire as the largest single identified cause of corporate insurance losses, having resulted in more than €18bn worth of insurance claims over five years. Out of those businesses hit by fire, an estimated 70% of them will not restart.

The latest report from the FEEDS (Forum for European Electrical Domestic Safety) shows that more than 25% of fires are caused by electrical failures – mainly due to electric appliances or to obsolete, overloaded installations.

But aging infrastructure is only one part of the story. Accelerated population growth and urbanization around the world mean more people are using electricity every day. At this rate, a 20% increase in demand is expected by 2030, and up to 40% by 2040.

And with new forms of energy use come new risks. From tablets to smartphones, our reliance on electrically powered digital devices is only growing. The rise of new energy usages in building, such as electric vehicles or rooftop solar panels, increases the burden on domestic wiring systems, and the risks related to fire.

This higher electrification has a strong impact: the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) found out that electrical distribution, lighting, and power transfer equipment accounted for half of home fires involving electrical failure or malfunction. Knowing the devastating impact of fire, such threat requires an adequate answer to protect assets and life.

How do electrical systems contribute to a safer world?

Cables are the electrical backbone of a building, being present everywhere and in large quantities to transport energy and data. They link rooms and floors, go through the walls without interruption, and their number keeps increasing with new energy usages. The fact that they are usually hidden makes it easy to forget their presence. Yet a typical office building will have over 200kg of cables per 100m². It is therefore essential to ensure that cables are as inert as possible when exposed to fire, to avoid spreading flames throughout the building.

In recent years, the emphasis has been on improving fire performance in response to new regulations, such as Europe’s Construction Products Regulation (CPR). Nexans is deeply engaged in this process, working with its partners, customers, and regulation bodies to promote electrical fire safety in buildings, and to adopt higher safety standards at both the national and international level.

Combating fire propagation

Cables do not represent a danger as such, but due to their omnipresence, they can act as fuel for fire and be a vector of flames propagation. A fire that starts in a vertical electrical installation that comprises low-performance cables will reach the first floor of the building in less than three minutes, and will continue to spread with growing speed.

At Nexans, we aim at revolutionizing the safety of buildings, infrastructures and homes, by using our technological expertise to design cables and wires that offer the highest level of performance against fire. Our Nexans Fire Safety offer underlines what can be achieved: thanks to our Low Fire-Hazard cables, smoke emissions, fire propagation and heat release are minimised. Moreover, the cohesiveness of the cable structure is maintained during fire, reducing or eliminating the production of flaming droplets, hence avoiding the start of secondary fires and limiting the risks of injury for firefighters.

All those elements have a major impact on people’s ability to evacuate safely, on time, and with the best possible visibility. In the meantime, low fire-hazard cables facilitate the work of firefighters as they release water when exposed to flame, reducing the fire temperature and diluting combustible gases.

Now a breakthrough to boost the fire performance of cables is in our pipeline. Based on geopolymer technology, this innovation works by creating a hard and hermetic crust around the stranded wires that makes them incombustible. In addition to improving fire resistance, this technology has the benefit of improving the environmental performance of cables by reducing their embodied carbon content – cutting CO2 emissions by 10 to 15% at the manufacturing level.

Smoke reduction during a fire

Smoke and hazardous emissions are the main cause of causalities during an indoor fire, being responsible for 80% of fire-related deaths. Corrosive gases in smoke attack the lungs, as well as the eyes and skin. On top of this, smoke severely limits visibility, making emergency escapes from a building more difficult.

Nexans Fire Safety range is designed to transform fire safety. Our cables minimise smoke emissions, enabling a visibility ten times higher than with traditional designs in the event of a fire – five times higher than the recommended threshold. Furthermore, they reduce the emission of hazardous and corrosive gases, increasing drastically the chance of escape, as well as assisting firefighters as they tackle the blaze.

Fire safety systems

Fire resistant cables play a crucial role in maintaining the continuous operation of fire protection and life safety electrical systems – even when a building is on fire. Minimum durations for maintaining electricity supplies in the event of fire are set out in national regulations. Cables must be capable of performing reliably even in extreme conditions, with temperatures up to 1,000°C, and for a duration up to 120 minutes.

Fire protection and life safety systems include:

  • Fire detection systems: smoke detectors, heat detectors, manual call points
  • Fire alarm systems: alarms/sounders, and control panels
  • Fire protection systems: active (sprinkler) and passive (such as fire walls and fire-rated doors)
  • Smoke control systems (pressurisation and extract systems)
  • Building egress systems (including exit signage).
Fire safety systems

Fire safety systems

Safety system components rely on connection to the power network. Fire resistant cables are often used to provide power, or to make connections between emergency equipment and control panels. When this is the case, they function as “active” elements since they must maintain electrical continuity or transmit a signal for an adequate amount of time.

Three main technologies are used to produce fire resistant cables.

First generation designs were based on copper conductors wrapped with mica tapes and cross-linked polyolefin. In this case, the core technology is the mica, and cable performance is related to its quality, nature, suppliers, and taping.

Second generation cables were based on conductors insulated with silicone rubber. This material has the property of forming a ceramic shield when burned. This maintains high electrical resistance and it is the most common solution for building applications.

For the latest generation of Fire-Resistant cables, we broadened our range with innovative cables based on the patented INFIT™ insulation technology which combines the advantages of both mica and silicone rubber insulation, but without their drawbacks (mica is difficult to strip, while silicone is soft and brittle). INFIT™ fire performances are similar to usual market technologies (silicone rubber or mica tape), but brings exceptional mechanical performance, making the installation easier and creating value with important time-saving and thus cost-saving advantages.

With INFIT™ cables, it is possible to connect all the devices of a fire detection system, including smoke detectors, to ensure that fires are detected and alarms raised. All of this ensures a rapid escape and contributes to effective firefighting.

We focus on your needs

At Nexans, our mission is to provide innovative products and solutions that meet the safety needs of our cable customers. We give our clients the power to design, install and manage their projects with the highest level of safety for your customers. Nexans Fire Safety solutions and services allow to Anticipate fire risks, Secure assets and Protect Life.

We back this up with comprehensive information and advice to help you make informed fire safety decisions – so we can electrify the future with confidence.

Franck Gyppaz


Franck Gyppaz is the head of the Fire Safety Systems Design Lab at AmpaCity, the Nexans Innovation Hub. He has been working in the cable industry since more than 20 years, being involved in the domain of fire safety and developing innovative technologies, cable designs and a fire test lab with the ISO17025 accreditation and UL certification. He is also active in the field of standardization members of different groups at national and international levels. His position leads him to manage relationships with all the actors of the fire safety ecosystem to propose integrated systems to our customers.

EV innovation: Accelerating the transition to sustainable mobility
Energy and consumption resilience
13 January 2023
10 min
Electric vehicles

Like other sectors, the automotive industry must evolve to meet future economic and ecological challenges. Currently, thermal vehicles are responsible for nearly 10% of CO2 emissions worldwide. In developed economy such like in France, this figure rises to 15%. The electrification of these vehicles is therefore a key issue in the transition to a low-carbon economy.

According to the World Energy Outlook 2022 published by the International Energy Agency, the increase in global electricity demand between now and 2030 is equivalent to adding the current electricity consumption of the United States and the European Union! Such an increase in electricity is in the range of +5,900 to +7,000 TWh depending on the scenario.

The main contributors to such an increase are:

  • electrical transport in advanced economies,
  • population growth and demand for cooling in emerging markets and developing economies.

Electric mobility is an important stake and a major driver of additional electricity demand. However, this objective should not only focus on the development and evolution of vehicles by manufacturers but also take into account the infrastructure. It is important to focus on the need for recharging infrastructure and innovative technologies dedicated to electric vehicles (EVs), which should enable users of this type of vehicle to travel anywhere, at any time, with complete peace of mind and ensure the functioning of the electrical system.

Electrical vehicles: a major change coming required by energy transition

The public authorities in several countries are multiplying initiatives to foster this evolution of mobility solutions. Among the actions in force or under study, a growing number of countries have pledged to phase out internal combustion engines or have ambitious vehicle electrification targets for the coming decades. In Europe, the objective set is to stop the sales of new combustion-powered vehicles by 2035.

The IEA Announced Pledges Scenario (APS), which is based on existing climate-focused policy pledges and announcements, presumes that EVs represent more than 30% of vehicles sold globally in 2030 across all modes (excluding two- and three-wheelers). While impressive, this is still well short of the 60% share needed by 2030 to align with a trajectory that would reach net zero CO2 emissions by 2050.

By 2025, it is estimated that the electric vehicle market in France will be worth 12 billion euros, including 8 to 11 billion euros in sales of electric vehicles, 150 to 250 million euros for charging stations and 300 to 600 million euros for the sale of electricity needed for charging.

The fast deployment of EVCS, key condition of the development of electric vehicles

This transition to electric vehicles requires three main conditions to reach the target ambition:

  • The development of new & attractive vehicles, with the following issues at stake: battery capacity vs. the energy density of a litre of oil, the availability of mineral resources to fully renew the world’s car fleet (due to the scarcity of rare metals), the challenge of the environmental footprint of an electric vehicle (beyond the sole issue of metal scarcity).
  • The availability of energy where and when the vehicles will be charged. While the impact of an EV on the electricity grid is very limited at the domestic level, the 22 million electric and hybrid vehicles expected in 2025 in Europe will significantly increase the overall demand for electricity (from 4,860 in 2020 to 47,000 GWh in 2025).That will require both grid reinforcement, more energy and moreover a smarter way to manage load to balance usage with energy availability.
  • Finally the deployment of a dense network of charging stations (EVCS) to provide a solution to the consumer in mobility.

Basically the EVCS network will be efficient if it is deployed as a global ecosystem fitting with consumer needs in four main applications:

  • Charging “at home” (90% of EV loads are today done at home, individual or collective);
  • Charging “at work” (tertiary or institutional buildings, factories,..);
  • Charging “in the city” (shops, restaurants, public parking,…);
  • Charging “in journey” (highways).

Each of this application obeys to its own constraints regarding economical cost of deployment, expected time for loading, competition with other vehicles “in queue”, energy billing to the user… Whatever the type of charging solution to be offered (in AC for the majority of needs or DC for fast charging), it will impose significant constraints on the electrical network that needs to be anticipated.

This large and complex ecosystem to deploy in a decade will require major investments but also strong innovation for a maximized installation scalability and smart energy management.

Partnerships and innovation are key

To illustrate this challenge of innovation, we can highlight for instance 2 projects involving Nexans R&D teams in partnership with Enedis in the last years:

  • “BIENVENU” project: How to propose scalable and economical Charging infrastructure in collective housing buildings designed far before Electrical Vehicle rising (only 2% equipped in 2022 in France, for ~45% of population living in collective housing) ?
  • “SMAC” project: How to create technological conditions to allow Vehicule-to-Grid (V2G) to inject the energy stored in EV batteries in the grid during the peaks of energy consumption or to compensate intermittent energy production from renewable sources?

Nexans also propose with its partner e-Novates a complete range of AC charging stations from 7 to 22 kW designed to fit various indoor/outdoor applications for Business or Public customers.

This product range will be entirely renewed in 2023 with new models fast to install and compatible with the new standard ISO 15 118. In parallel will be introduced the new version of Nexans scalable cabling solution “NEOBUS”, designed in partnership with MICHAUD, dedicated to underground parking with specific fire safety risk integrated.

Nexans is therefore a key player in this evolution of the electric vehicle market. The new solutions proposed will greatly facilitate the daily life of users, both in the private sector and on public roads, and will improve the attractiveness of these new vehicles.

It is clear that the elements of differentiation are the key factors of innovation:

  • for vehicles, overall design, autonomy linked to battery power and efficiency, and reliability over time are differentiating factors;
  • for recharging infrastructure equipment, we believe that the main differentiation criteria are not linked to hardware but to the digital layer which allows monitoring of the charging stations, interfaced with payment methods, and applications which improve the customer experience. The second area of differentiation is the ease and speed of installation of the kiosks and their connection to the electrical network.

To limit the impact on the environment

The deployment of electric vehicles and their growing share in mobility will have a significant impact on reducing global warming, provided of course that decarbonised electricity is produced and used. However, it is also important to consider the impact of electric vehicles on resources, particularly copper. In 2020, production was 21 Mt for an almost equivalent consumption. Demand will accelerate due to electrification and particularly electric mobility.

In concrete terms, a traditional thermal vehicle requires 20kg of copper, a hybrid vehicle needs twice that amount, 40kg, and an electric vehicle requires 80kg of copper on average, i.e. 4 times more than a conventional vehicle (this amount can reach up to 200kg for certain models like Tesla).


of copper are required for a thermal vehicle


of copper are required for a hybrid vehicle


of copper are required for an electric vehicle

To this consequent increase in metal dedicated to electric vehicles, we can add the copper needed for the recharging infrastructure, the AC and DC recharging equipment, but also the connection system to the electrical network. A conservative estimate is that 3Mt of metal will be needed for this transition.

To limit the impact of the electricity transition on copper resources, it is necessary to accompany the change by a copper recycling chain and the establishment of a circular economy ecosystem.

Buckle up! Frédéric Lesur is about to take us on a test drive with Thibault Dupont. Electric vehicles and charging stations, their build, and the future challenges that lie down the road – it’s all in this episode of What’s Watt.

Cyrill Million


Cyrill Million is in charge of Electric Vehicle Charging Solutions department, part of Nexans Power Cable & Accessories BU.

Cyrill joined Nexans in 2021 as Marketing & Strategy manager with mission to amplify Nexans position on energy transition markets and to promote innovative solutions to Nexans key partners.

He holds a Master of Aeronautics Engineering from Supaero, France.

David Myotte

David Myotte is Marketing and Strategy Manager in the Power Distribution Cables & Accessories Business Unit of Nexans.

After 15 years in automotive industry and 7 years in steel industry, mainly in sales positions, he joined Nexans beginning of 2020, in charge of Nexans Accessories Sales in North and South Europe. In his current role, on top of elaborating marketing strategies and new offers aiming at enhancing Nexans customers’ experience and satisfaction, he is responsible of the sales of Nexans Electrical Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCS).